When the world went indoors after Covid 19 struck, life changed for us in ways we had never imagined. Did we ever dream of a day when we would wake up, have a cup of coffee, and move straightaway towards our laptops to join the teammates one a zoom call, in our most comfortable pyjamas? Lockdowns and social distancing protocols have been a bane in many ways, yet a boon in many other ways. We got to spend time with our family, do the most mundane things together. We realised the value of leisure time and self-care. Most of us also enjoyed the pleasure of working remotely from the safety and warmth of our homes. Our kids stopped going to schools and shifted to online classes. Online tuitions provided them the much-needed easement and reassurance that they could connect to their classrooms from anywhere. Tutoring online was a promising step ahead.
Online tuitions provided them the much-needed easement and reassurance that they could connect to their classrooms from anywhere. Tutoring online was a promising step ahead
Are online tuitions tiring out our children?
Online tuitions were not without its pitfalls. Hours of screentime wearied our kids, and they lost interest quite soon. Children were not used to spending time on online tutoring platforms. They became easily exhausted and distracted during class hours, to the dismay of their parents. Parents would often complain about the lack of engagement in online classes involving many students. It was feared that students would not benefit from online tuitions, and that online tutors would fail bring the desired results in their students’ education. Well, part of this concern might be valid. Online tuitions are relatively new for our kids, and it might pose some threats before them during the initial stages. This is neither due to the incompatibility of our online tutoring system, nor the inefficiency of online tutors. It is just a matter of polishing up our kids’ learning habits. Online tuitions can be even more fun than schools, only if we decide to approach it from the right perspective.
Do you think your kid gets tired of online tuitions quite soon? Try following some of these tips to ensure him a wholesome learning experience online.

Have a designated learning space for online tuitions
While attending classes from the familiar setting of home, kids would often get cosy. They would like to take their virtual classroom anywhere possible – in the living room, balcony, garden or most conveniently, the bedroom. Some kids would even fancy moving around with their headsets on. Parents are advised to setup a dedicated space for their kids to attend online classes. Distraction can strike them in any form while taking an online tuition. If they are assigned with a fixed space for attending classes, it would definitely add to their sense of seriousness about the lessons.
Needless to say, bed is not the ideal place to listen to your online tutor! It is only logical that our brains easily associate bed with sleep. Trying to learn on the bed will never work, since kids would feel drowsy and distracted. You can choose any other corner in your house to log on to online tuitions. Avoid the bed.
It is high time we realised that most of the interactions that our kids are going to have in their future, will happen virtually on a screen.
Online tuitions are ‘real’ classes as well
Tutoring online can sometimes feel weird for your kid in the beginning, since it is entirely different from the kind of classes that they are familiar with. Kids tend to consider their school classroom as the only ‘real’ place of learning. Online tuitions, for them, might seem less important when compared to in-school learning. This is a common misperception, and it is our duty as parents to make them realise they are wrong. Gently remind them that online tutors are not lesser in any sense to their class teachers, just because they appear on a screen. Lead them to the realisation that screens are just interfaces where they get to meet their teachers now.
Ironically, some parents also believe that online tuitions cannot be as good as home tuitions, and hence need not be considered important. It is high time we realised that most of the interactions that our kids are going to have in their future, will happen virtually on a screen. Only then can we train our children to attach the same significance to online classes as in-school classes. This sense of seriousness will take away lack of interest from them.
Online tuitions are important; so are assignments
Since tuitions are now online, assignments and exercises are finished and submitted online as well. Teachers cannot physically check if the students have done all the work themselves. This shall not be counted as an opportunity to sulk when it comes to assignments. Such submissions are as important than the class itself. Students should be encouraged to find out more about the topic of assignment, work on it passionately, and turn it in on time. Classes are online, and we have a vast range of possibilities to gather knowledge online. Parents should take special care in encouraging their children to utilise this possibility and take all their submissions seriously. Engaging more with the subject on their own will cultivate interest to learn, and let them concentrate more productively in their online tuitions.

Ask your online tutor, learn more
One major accusation against online tuitions is that it turns students into passive listeners. Some parents complain that students who were active participants in school classes have surprisingly turned disengaged when it came to online tuitions. A good online tutor who provides one-to-one personalised tuitions would never let such a thing happen. However, this can occur in saturated classes with many students and a single online tutor to look after them.
Students should be encouraged to ask more questions to their online tutors. When they ask questions, they get more involved with the class and the subject. Consequently, they will reap more benefit out of the lesson. When they come up with more doubts and questions, class generally becomes livelier and the online tutor will get to evaluate the effectiveness of his teaching methods. Moreover, by asking more questions, students themselves can gauge their understanding of lessons, and let the online tutor know if they have missed out on anything.
Take notes and keep track of your online tuitions
Online tuitions work on submissions via email, reminders and alerts via WhatsApp and assessment calls scheduled for parents. It is very easy to miss out on important days to turn in assignments and take tests. A tiny distraction or carelessness can cost your child a term’s grades. So, it is always advised to keep an academic journal or calendar to track your kid’s online classes and works. Dates of classes, meetings and submissions can be marked therein, and checked frequently to ensure that everything is going on as planned.
Academic journal can also be utilised to take little notes from online classes and scribble down anything they wish to share with their online tutor. When all the academic work is streamlined and organised, students will organically cultivate an interest to engage more actively in their online tuitions.
Keep away distractions; stay energetic
It is easy to get distracted in online classes. Since all work is done online, kids can easily slide away into another window, website or application. Online tutors and parents should jointly encourage students to keep away from all distractions and value the process of learning. Parents can ask their kids to stay determined and concentrate on the lesson. They should be trained to draw clear boundaries between study time and leisure time. All the other activities should be halted during study time, diverting their undivided attention to their online tutor.
Parents have to keep their children energetic throughout class hours. Refresh them and motivate them to put their education first, before anything else. Parental guidance is key in moulding a healthy learning habit in students.
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy
Breaks and leisure time are as important as study hours for your child’s health. Continuous classes without any break will take a toll on your child’s concentration level and learning skills. Let them take short breaks in between classes. Ask them to utilise these breaks by going for a brisk walk outside, talking to loved ones, petting their dog, or eating something they like. Studies say that ample break time is essential for effective learning, be it a child or and adult. Encourage your kids to paint, play, sing or dance while they are not with their online tutor. Provide them snacks and drinks to keep them refreshed. This is by far the best way to save them from the drabness of back-to-back classes.
Learn with Tutormine
If you wish to keep your child active and lively throughout online classes, try engaging them with Tutormine. Tutormine places primary focus on the mental and emotional wellbeing of students, let alone their academic excellence. Many of the issues faced by children during online classes can be attended by enrolling them with Tutormine. Lack of interest and disengagement will not hinder your child’s education, if they are with Tutormine’s online tutors. Team Tutormine is particular about the online tutors that they chose to work with, and about the nature of classes customised for each student.
Tutors undergo a strict selection procedure and evaluation system before they get to join Tutormine. Our online tutors are not just subject experts, but the kindest mentors you can find for your kids. Active participation of students will be ensured with Tutormine, since the classes are personalised and one-to-one. Online tuitions will no longer be nightmares and tiresome jobs for children. Tutormine will help forge a bond between students and online tutors, and kids will look forward to their classes hereafter.
The pandemic has restricted our movement and productivity in many ways. The challenges associated with online tuitions can be considered only as a part of this wide range of setbacks. Unlike many other troubles brought by the pandemic, this one can be tackled with a bit of attention and the right guidance. Online tutors are the harbingers of an impending future. Our education system will soon shift online, and your kids will pioneer this change.